'Illustration of ‘Generation Angst,’ depicting young individuals immersed in digital devices, icons, and social media symbols reflecting modern challenges and tech-driven lifestyles.

Generation Angzt: Reducing Teen Anxiety Through Mindful Marketing

Gen Z and Gen Alpha spend over 7 hours a day on their phones—creating both challenges and opportunities for marketers. Today’s youth demand authenticity and value-driven content from the brands they engage with. Marketers can play a pivotal role in shaping healthier behaviors by designing campaigns that encourage both online engagement and unplugged, real-world experiences.

Our white paper, Generation Angzt: Reducing Teen Anxiety Through Mindful Marketing provides key insights on how to responsibly connect with this audience, promote healthier digital habits, and foster deeper engagement. Discover how your brand can build trust, stand out, and drive long-term loyalty by balancing digital strategies with meaningful offline connections.

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