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Simplifying the complexity of large projects: Four key elements for winning together

Have you ever been a part of a long, confusing project that seems to be as clear as mud? Timelines go over, budgets dwindle and success becomes a moving target. While you have all the right roles and people staffed, the volume of moving parts can make it challenging to see how you’ll ultimately reach your end goal.

With that, success seldom comes from individual effort alone. Instead, a team-oriented approach is essential when it comes to playing to win. To succeed, it's important to harness each person's unique contributions and skills, creating a foundation for a well-rounded team and ultimate success. 

We believe the answer to simplifying the complexity of large projects requires four essential components:

  1. Respect individual strengths, but build consensus

Imagine a well-oiled machine where each part, no matter how small, plays a pivotal role in its smooth operation. This is akin to any working team, where every member brings unique skills and perspectives to the table. We find success when we employ a strong kickoff process—often leaning into elements of a “RACI” framework, putting people in the best position to shine according to their individual strengths and building consensus from the get-go.

You can see this harnessing of individual strengths when we developed a dynamic online hub for a large healthcare company. Whether it was the creativity of a designer, the analytical mind of a website developer, or the strategic vision of a planner, each individual role shined to create a cohesive, singular solution for our client.

When each team member understands their role and how it fits into the larger picture, it creates a sense of purpose and direction. By respecting individual strengths and building consensus from the outset, we can work to have every piece of the puzzle fit together. This alignment not only drives the project forward but also turns a collection of individual efforts into a unified outcome.

  1. Put a ‘Puzzle-Piece Coordinator’ at the heart of it all

At the heart of this well-coordinated machine is the project manager—the individual responsible for harmonizing the various elements. Critical for this project manager is a well-defined process. At (add)ventures, we deploy a consistent process for every project, ensuring a level of predictability in the steps required to achieve the project goal. Following a consistent process like the below example allows team members to have a sense of predictability, despite every project having some level of nuance. 

A five-step process diagram: Discover, Define, Create, Develop, Measure. Each step explains turning questions into insights, insights into ideas, ideas into solutions, and evaluating success.

The project manager’s role involves more than just assigning tasks. It’s about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each team member and aligning them with the project's objectives and process. They coordinate schedules, manage resources and keep everyone focused on the end goal. They know when to step in or to take a step back—and know just the right way to communicate effectively to diverse members of the project team. By doing so, they ensure that every piece of the puzzle fits together seamlessly, navigating gaps along the way that might hinder progress. 

  1. Foster transparency in your ‘NICE’ communication

Effective communication is the glue that holds a team together. Without it, even the most well-planned projects can falter. Clear, consistent communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings and fostering a collaborative environment.

At (add)ventures, we accomplish this transparent communication by putting our NICE philosophy at the heart of our communications.


A diverse team collaborates on creative projects, both indoors and outdoors, highlighting their mission of problem-solving and making people happy through teamwork, intelligence, and character-driven energy.

NICE stands for Nurturers with Intelligence, Character and Energy. Here’s how we bring this to life in our transparent communications:

  • Nurturers: support one another through constructive-yet-collaborative conversation
  • Intelligence: share great ideas and lean into individual expertise
  • Character: stay honest and bring a level of integrity to communication
  • Energy: stay proactive and bring a level of enthusiasm to our conversations

With this NICE spirit in mind, we work to promote a culture of regular updates, open discussions and feedback loops. This allows members to share their progress, voice concerns and offer solutions. When communication flows freely, it enhances coordination, helps resolve issues before they escalate and builds trust and camaraderie among team members.

  1. Celebrate wins along the way (both big and small)

For long, complex projects, it’s not just the “end goal” that should be celebrated. While achieving goals is important, acknowledging and celebrating the team’s accomplishments along the way is equally important to driving a culture of success. Celebrations boost morale, reinforce a positive work culture and motivate team members to continue striving for excellence.

Whether it’s making a big splash in NYCshifting perceptions in the healthcare industry or breaking through in the B2B market, the end goal is worth celebrating, but we celebrated the small milestones along the way as well, which helped us achieve the success you see.

These small milestone contributions being acknowledged publicly can make team members feel valued and appreciated. Whether it’s through a shout-out in a meeting, a written note of thanks or a team celebration, showing appreciation for hard work strengthens the bond between team members and enhances their commitment to the team’s success.

In the end, success on complex projects is all about respecting individual strengths, placing a “Puzzle-Piece Coordinator” at the heart of it all, fostering transparency through NICE communication and celebrating wins along the way. By following a well-defined process, we create a flourishing environment where every contribution is valued, collaboration shines and the journey toward success leads to a shared and successful win.